Dikes won’t do: why Europe is failing to reduce flood risks
The impacts of Storm Boris show why Europe must rethink its approach to reduce the threats of the floods in the face of a changing climate. Apart from taking the extreme approach of relocating entire cities, as is the case with Jakarta, what can be done?
What’s next for adaptation? Twelve leading voices on adaptation weigh in on priorities post COP28
How do we move forward, and build on, strengthen, or even go beyond COP28’s commitments? Twelve leading voices on climate adaptation share what they believe are the top priorities to address urgent adaptation needs worldwide.
Reflections on the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: adaptation, loss and damage
Join three SEI researchers, whohaveassumedvariousroles in past IPCC reports,as theyreflect on the IPCCAR6SynthesisReport’scriticalmessages onadaptation and loss and damage.
Climate-resilient Finance and Investment: Framing Paper
Learn about the current efforts to align finance with climate-resilient development, as well as possible ways forward for defining, measuring and mobilising adaptation-aligned finance in this OECD framing paper.
The IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability – Summary for Policymakers
Explore the key findings and further resources from Working Group II's contribution to the IPCC's sixth climate report.
Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?
Based on a review of 34 interventions, this paper shows that adaptation interventions may reinforce, redistribute or create new vulnerability.
Climate Adaptation in Africa
This MOOC developed at UCT explores why climate change adaptation is important in the African context.
Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions
This guidebook provides background knowledge and a roadmap for designing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation of ecosystem-based adaptation interventions.
When is migration a maladaptive response to climate change?
This study presents analyses of climate, food security, migration, and impacts from 218 households in three locations in North-western Cambodia, the most climate vulnerable nation in SE Asia.
Maladaptation: An Introduction
This article introduces 'maladaptation' as a concept, explains its pertinence and explores examples of how the term has been applied.