transboundary adaptation
We are all connected
This blog post explores five reasons why it is time to start paying more attention to transboundary climate risks.
Adapting to transboundary risks in mountain regions
Explore solutions on the A@A Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders in this Adaptation at Altitude brief.
What’s next for adaptation? Twelve leading voices on adaptation weigh in on priorities post COP28
How do we move forward, and build on, strengthen, or even go beyond COP28’s commitments? Twelve leading voices on climate adaptation share what they believe are the top priorities to address urgent adaptation needs worldwide.
A Roadmap for African Resilience
Explore proposed key actions towards realizing an ambition of the African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022–2032) to “Enhance coordination between the Regional Economic Communities and Member States in addressing and managing transboundary and cascading climate risks” in this Adaptation Without Borders roadmap.
Enhancing cooperation to address cascading climate risks in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Learn about the rationale for strengthening regional resilience to cascading climate risks in the HKH through this AWB discussion brief. It explores what a regional cooperation mechanism could consider and advance in policy and practice, proposing a set of potential areas for collaboration to move the discussions from the realm of ambition to action.
Adaptation to climate change in the mountains of East Africa
Learn about the challenges of climate change in the mountains of East Africa (the Rwenzori, Virunga, Mount Elgon and Mount Kilimanjaro), and hear examples of adaptation actions in this short video!
An African perspective on transboundary and cascading climate risks
Learn about how transboundary and cascading climate risks could impact different African regions, with a focus on East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa, in this Adaptation Without Borders discussion brief. Also explore the role of national and regional adaptation plans in managing these risks.
Factsheet for young people: Water Resources Management, Floods and Disaster Risk Management
In this brief created by the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), learn why disaster risk reduction (DRR) and integrated water resource management (IWRM) are essential steps on the path to climate adaptation. This factsheet is part of a series presenting data from the GCA's flagship studies State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2021 and 2022.
Decoding buzzwords at SB58: what is transformational adaptation?
What does the term 'transformational adaptation' truly mean and how can it shape our future? Dive in as we decode this critical concept from the Bonn Climate Conference, SB58.
The Global Transboundary Climate Risk Report
Discover new evidence on ten transboundary climate risks of global importance that affect critical sectors and regions: from water resources in high mountain environments, to fish stocks in the open ocean, industrial supply chains, and energy and global finance systems, as well as human health, livelihoods, mobility patterns, and physical and mental well-being.