climate risk management
Policy mechanisms of the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities to manage transboundary climate risks
Take a deep dive into dive into African Union (AU) policies and programmes and those of four regional economic communities (RECs) in this report by the Adaptation Without Borders partnership. Learn about the political economy of transboundary climate risks and their management within existing continental and REC climate, economic, trade, infrastructure and people-centred policies and programmes.
Climate-resilient Finance and Investment: Framing Paper
Learn about the current efforts to align finance with climate-resilient development, as well as possible ways forward for defining, measuring and mobilising adaptation-aligned finance in this OECD framing paper.
The Farmer’s Perspective: Climate Risk and Risk Management in Sri Lanka’s Agriculture Sector
Learn about both the challenges faced and coping mechanisms used by farmers in Sri Lanka, in this case study on managing climate risk.
Global Climate Services: A Typology of Global Decisions Influenced by Climate Risk
Discover a typology of decisions relying on global, i.e., non-local, climate risk information, and explore the current state-of-the-art in global climate services to address these decisions in this article.
Política Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de Costa Rica 2018-2030
Esta Política se plantea como marco rector que orientará las acciones del país en materia de adaptación. Nuestro país adquirió el compromiso de formular su Plan Nacional de Adaptación al 2018 en el marco de su Contribución Nacional ante el Acuerdo de París de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático en Setiembre del 2015, el cual fue ratificado por la Asamblea Legislativa el 6 de Octubre del 2016.
Holistic Approach towards Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments: The Integration of Climate Risk Management into Different Investment Decision-Making Contexts Requiring Tailored Types of Risk Assessment
The integration of climate risk management into different investment decision-making contexts requirng tailored types of risk assessment.
Climate Risk Assessment for Infrastructure: An application for Cai Lon – Cai Be Sluice Gates in the Mekong Delta
In this study, a step-by-step methodology of climate risk assessment for infrastructure, namely the PIEVC Engineering Protocol (the “Protocol”), was used to assess the climate risk of the Cai Lon - Cai Be sluice gates.
Orientation Guide on Concepts, Terms and Definitions in the Context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Climate Risk Management
Explore the common concepts, terms, and definitions in the context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment, and Climate Risk Management through this guide.
Working Paper: Addressing Climate and Disaster Risk through Inclusive and Participatory Mechanisms
Climate and disaster risk finance and transfer mechanisms are key components of any comprehensive risk management framework to address these issues and the needs of the most vulnerable communities.
Climate Risk in Africa: Adaptation and Resilience
This book highlights the complexities around making adaptation decisions and building resilience in the face of climate risk, using insights from sub-Saharan Africa.