Draft Principles and Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Adaptation in Project and Policy Design
Ecosystem-based approaches to reduce social vulnerability are a promising option for sustainable and efficient adaptation to climate change. Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) takes into account the role of ecosystem services in reducing societal vulnerability through multi-sectoral and multi-level approaches, while considering diverse social, economic and cultural co-benefits for local communities.
The draft principles for integrating EbA in climate change planning, and the draft foundation guidelines for designing EbA projects, were developed by a group of organizations during a workshop and meeting held in Costa Rica in June 2011. They were developed with the purpose of initiating a more formal and iterative process for elaborating ecosystem-based adaptation guidelines which can be discussed at various international and regional events, and between other organizations.
The principles and guidelines are summarized as follows.
Core Principles for Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Adaptation
- Is about promoting the resilience of both ecosystems and societies.
- Promotes multi-sectoral approaches.
- Operates at multiple geographical scales.
- Integrates flexible management structures that enable adaptive management.
- Minimizes tradeoffs and maximizes benefits with development and conservation goals to avoid unintended negative social and environmental impacts.
- Is based on best available science and local knowledge, and fosters knowledge generation and diffusion.
- Is about resilient ecosystems, and using nature-based solutions at the service of people, especially the most vulnerable.
- Is participatory, transparent, accountable, and culturally appropriate and actively embraces equity and gender issues.
Core Guidelines for Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Adaptation
- Prepare project structure.
- Gather relevant data and expertise.
- Conduct integrated vulnerability assessments and impact projections with flexible criteria that address the linkages between human and environmental systems.
- Locate projects within robust national and sub-national frameworks to enhance long term chances of success.
- Proceed with integrated planning
- Ensure the sustainability of monitoring and adaptive management.
More information and details on the above principles and guidelines can be obtained by downloading the related policy brief and discussion document.
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