Keren-Happuch Obeku
My background is in Geography, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development. I am currently on the MSc Environmental Change...
Understanding the Policy Contexts for Mainstreaming Climate Change in Bhutan and Nepal: A Synthesis
This synthesis compares the policy contexts for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Bhutan and Nepal.
Mediation training module: Iterative Risk Management
This module was developed for the EC Mediation project on Iterative Risk Management and its potential applications.
Mediation Training Module: Portfolio Analysis
This Module, developed in the EC funded Mediation project describes Portfolio Analysis approac and relevant real-life applications
Mediation training module: Real Options Analysis
This practical module, developed in the EC Mediation project on an overview of real options analysis and its applications
Mediation training module: Robust Decision Making
This MEDIATION training tool provides an introduction to Robust Decision Making, a decision support tool that is used in situations of deep uncertainty.