Tom Downing - SEI
Thomas E Downing was formerly Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute's office in Oxford and Reader in the Environ...
Extreme Outcomes
Key Messages Extreme outcomes refer to near-catastrophic events and processes that would push the climate system into undesirable states. While...
Adaptation Decision Making METHODS
This article aims to provide guidance on the best methods for decision screening, exploring many different decision making methods.
Climate Adaptation Options Explorer (ADX)
The ADx tool is designed to operate as a meta-tool in which several promising decision methods can be compared to provide support to adaptation planning.
Les impacts économiques du changement climatique au Burundi
Bienvenue ... Source: Prof. Jean Marie Sabushimike Celle-ci est le website pour le Comité National Consultatif de Burundi pour l'étude...
The economic impacts of climate change in Tanzania
The development partners group, with support from UK (DFID) Government, are funding this study on the ‘Economics of Climate Change...