Yasuaki Hijioka
His research topics cover modeling analysis for environmental issues related to climate change impacts and adaptation, and...
BKE EU-Japan #2: Exploring the Value of Linking International and National Platforms to Enhance Action, Including in the Asia-Pacific Region
This event explored how to enhance the utilization of CAPs for promoting adaptation action at the transnational level (e.g., Asia-Pacific, Europe).
BKE EU-Japan #1: Enhancing Connections Across National and Local Platforms to Support Adaptation Action
This KE4CAP event explored the role of CAPs in enhancing collaboration between national, regional and local adaptation action.
BKE EU-Japan event: Enhancing Connections Across International, National and Local Adaptation Actions
These events are looking to better understand the role of CAPs in enhancing connections across transnational and national platforms, and linking to local adaptation action.
Asia-Pacific Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT)
AP-PLAT is an online platform that provides climate change risk information to support effective climate risk management through adaptation.
Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (A-PLAT)
A-PLAT is a one-stop online resource hub that provides centralized information related to the climate change impacts and adaptation in Japan.