The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) is the only national institute in Japan conducting a broad range of interdisciplinary, integrated environmental research. Since its establishment in 1974, NIES has played the pivotal role in solving various environmental problems.
NIES develops and manages the Climate Change Adaptation Infomration Platform for Japan, A-PLAT, and the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform, AP-PLAT.
NIES is structured as follows:
- Issue-Oriented Research Programs: Low-Carbon Research Program; Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program; Harmonization with Nature Research Program; Health and Environmental Safety Research Program; Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program.
- Environmental Emergency Research Programs: Environmental Recovery Research Program; Environmental Renovation Research Program; Environmental Emergency Management Research Program.
- Research Projects: Satellite Observation Center; Japan Environment and Children’s Study Programme Office; Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office; Environmental Emergency Management Office; Social Dialogue and Co-production Office.
- Climate Change Adaptation Services: Center for Climate Change Adaptation
- Building Environmental Research Infrastructure: Strategic monitoring of the global environment, global environment database development, and support for global environmental research; Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management; Development of the environmental certified reference materials, and establishment of reference laboratory for environmental measurement; Long-term storage of environmental specimens (specimen banking); Collection, preservation and distribution of strains of microalgae and endangered algae; Preservation of the genetic resources of rare wild animals; Development of biodiversity and ecosystem information infrastructure; Long-term monitoring of regional environmental change and development of joint observation site infrastructure; Long-term monitoring of inland waters, and provision of data to domestic and international monitoring networks.
- Environmental Research Fields: Global Environmental Research Field; Material Cycles and Waste Management Research Field; Environmental Risk Research Field; Regional Environment Research Field; Environmental Biology and Ecosystems Research Field; Environmental Health Research Field; Social and Environmental Systems Research Field; Environmental Measurement and Analysis Research Field; Environmental Emergency Research Field.