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ADENE – Portuguese Energy Agency

ADENE – Agency for Energy is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and carry out activities of public interest in the field of energy and in particular energy efficiency and efficient use of water.

The core competencies of the ADENE include support for policy implementation, technical support for the implementation of programs and strategic measures, promotion and project development, monitoring and market monitoring and the management and dissemination of information. ADENE develops its activity under the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE) and Commitment to Green Growth.

ADENE is also involved in various activities at European and extra-EU level, including training and sharing of best practices with international partners in the area of ​​energy efficiency.

ADENE is the managing body of the Energy Certification System of Buildings (SCE) and is responsible for the operational management of the Management of Intensive Energy Consumption System (SGCIE). These systems are intended to, respectively, evaluate and improvemen the energy performance for residential buildings, trade and services in Portugal, and promote of energy efficiency and monitoring of energy consumption Intensive Consumers facilities Energy (CIE).

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