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Climate Justice Resilience Fund Logo

The climate is changing. The communities hit first are the first to respond and the first to adapt. To survive and thrive on a warming planet they need voice, power, and the opportunity to innovate. Our grants help these communities create and share their own solutions for resilience. The Climate Justice Resilience Fund is a grantmaking initiative dedicated to helping women, youth, and indigenous peoples create and share their own solutions for resilience. We believe that lasting climate resilience must start with those communities first hit by climate change. We help communities reduce risks, manage shocks, rebound, and continue charting a path to sustainable development. The main areas of operation are:

  • Water access
  • Food security and sovereignty
  • Sustainable livelihoods
  • Migration and relocation

Through these four key entry points the organisations that have the capacity to reach community and indigenous peoples. It will prioritise strategies to address associated uniquely with climate change traditional livelihoods). The Climate Justice Resilience Fund will advance five key pillars of work:

  • Advocacy
  • Access to information
  • Local initiatives
  • Movement infrastructure
  • Leadership development

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