Climate CoLab

In the Climate CoLab, you can work with people from all over the world to create proposals for what to do about climate change. The goal of the Climate CoLab is to harness the collective intelligence of thousands of people from all around the world to address global climate change.
Inspired by systems like Wikipedia and Linux, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Collective Intelligence has developed this crowdsourcing platform where people work with experts and each other to create, analyze, and select detailed proposals for what to do about climate change.
Quantifying Impact
To keep proposals grounded in physical reality, members can work with tools on the platform and a specialized team of emission modelers to estimate the impact their proposals could have on greenhouse gas emissions. In the global plan contest For more, see assessing impact.
Anyone can join the Climate CoLab community and participate. Community members are invited to submit and comment on proposals outlining ideas for what they think should be done about climate change. In some contests, members create proposals for specific kinds of actions such as generating electric power with fewer emissions or changing social attitudes about climate change. In other contests, members combine ideas from many other proposals to create integrated climate action plans for a country, a group of countries, or the whole world. Experts evaluate the entries and pick finalists, and then both experts and community members select the most promising proposals. For more, see Contest phases.
Quantifying Impact
To keep proposals grounded in physical reality, members can work with tools on the platform and a specialized team of emission modelers to estimate the impact their proposals could have on greenhouse gas emissions. In the global plan contest For more, see assessing impact.