project proposals
Training Guide: Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This training guide can be used to assist government and NGOs to prepare bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
Guidebook: Mobilising private sector finance for climate change adaptation
The key objective of the guidebook is to facilitate preparation of adaptation project proposals and to provide guidance on alternate funding options, focusing on the private sector.
Plugging The Climate Adaptation Gap With High Resilience Benefit Investments
To demonstrate the value of resilience benefits to various stakeholders S&P Global Ratings considers that it is important to quantify those benefits based on a robust modeling framework.
Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: A flexible training package
This training package is a standalone capacity building program targeted at government officials and practitioners, focusing on integrating gender into climate change adaptation practices.
Guide to Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This guide aims to assist government and non-government agencies at all scales in preparing bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
Guidelines for Designing Bankable Adaptation Projects
This paper presents a summary of the Project Appraisal Guidelines developed in collaboration with India’s National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
An Online Sourcebook: Integrating Gender in Climate Change Adaptation Proposals
This online sourcebook aims to help ensure that gender considerations and women’s empowerment are incorporated into large-scale climate change adaptation projects.
Green Climate Fund Proposal Toolkit
This toolkit was developed to assist you in understanding what makes a funding proposal bankable and successful when it is reviewed during a GCF board meeting.