adaptation training
Gender-responsive participatory climate adaptation training in Himachal Pradesh, India
On 23 and 24 March 2022, a two-day intervention training programme on crop diversification was led by the Government of Himachal Pradesh and GIZ. The training aimed to enhance the resilience of women farmers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to diversify their crops and explore alternative income streams beyond traditional agriculture.
Ecosystem-based adaptation for beginners edX MOOC course
This EbA course will equip learners with transferable and replicable skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives by offering targeted training on key principles, risk assessments, monitoring, and governance.
Human Capacity Development for Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments
This training course aims to promote awareness about the topic of climate proofing of infrastructure investments amongst numerous national and local stakeholders such as policy makers and planners from infrastructure-related sector ministries and authorities.
Trainer Handbook | Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments (CSI)
This handbook contains trainings on climate services that are designed for practitioners, technical staff and decision makers responsible for the provision of Climate Services and planning and implementation of infrastructure investment.
Trainee Handbook | Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments (CSI)
This handbook is designed for trainees in face-to-face training on integrating climate change adaptation into sustainable infrastructure investment. Its content is complemented by trainer and expert presentations (PPTs), peer discussion groups and interactive role plays.
CSI Global Forum 2019 | Costa Rica
This article provides an overview of the CSI Global Forum 2019 held in Costa Rica.
Ecosystem-based erosion control in Azerbaijan
This solution was originally published on thePANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it and a story describing its impact, in thefull solution entry on PANORAMA.
Strengthening community management and livestock farmers’ livelihoods for conserving high mountain forests and grasslands of Mexico
This solution was originally published on thePANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it and a story describing its impact, in thefull solution entry on PANORAMA.
Keeping the Taps Running in a Changing Climate- UN CC:eLearn course
This tutorial by UN CC:e-Learn introduces the concept of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources.
Training Guide: Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This training guide can be used to assist government and NGOs to prepare bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.