collaborative research
How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation
A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.
Shifting Power Through Climate Research: Applying Decolonial Methodologies
Colonial legacies and unequal divisions of power embedded within Global North-South relationships continue to affect and shape climate research. This article explores how these dynamics can be better considered and addressed during research processes.
Using B.Green to create pollinator highways in Tallinn
As part of the B.Green project this case study used the B.Green handbook to create a pollinator highway
B.Green Handbook
The B.Green project aims to develop a model for digital and participatory urban planning that promotes the pre-planning of multifunctional green infrastructure solutions in the Baltic Sea region.
Strategic Dialogue and Engagement for Climate Adaptation
This course will provide you with skills to overcome barriers to action, mobilize knowledge and data effectively, and work across silos in genuine interdisciplinary and collaborative practice.
Adaptation action and research in glaciated mountain systems: Are they enough to meet the challenge of climate change?
This paper evaluates adaptation action and research in light of the challenge posed by climate change in glaciated mountain systems.
A guide to Effective Collaboration and Learning in Consortia
This guide helps to establish effective transdiciplinary learning processes and co-production of knowledge with a diverse range of stakeholders.
The ASSAR Spotlight on Learning – November 2016 edition
The ASSAR project is now halfway through its duration. To mark this occasion, we share a range of ASSAR voices to reflect on our learning to date.
Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia
The Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) aims to build the resilience of vulnerable populations and their livelihoods in three climate change hot spots.
Completing your weADAPT profile
This page walks you through how to create and update your profile to have the best possible experience on weADAPT.