socio-ecological systems
ROSA, the Andean Network of Socio-ecological Observatories: Integrated monitoring for land management in the Andes
Learn about the newly created Andean Network of Socio-ecological Observatories, which seeks to maintain permanent monitoring sites in the Andes, in this short blog post!
Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental
Esta publicacion es un resumen del Conversatorio sobre “Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental”.
Mountain Observatories: Status and Prospects for Enhancing and Connecting a Global Community
This paper reviews the trends and challenges of socioenvironmental monitoring in the mountains and proposes principles and ways of supporting, developing and connecting mountain observatories
First Latin-American edition of IPROMO: Sustainable Management of Socio-Ecosystems in the Andes
This article describes the first course of the IPROMO Mountains Training Programme held in Spanish. The course was organised by CONDESAN with the support of two initiatives financed by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
Adaptation action and research in glaciated mountain systems: Are they enough to meet the challenge of climate change?
This paper evaluates adaptation action and research in light of the challenge posed by climate change in glaciated mountain systems.
Adaptation to Glacio-Hydrological Change in High Mountains
This dissertation explores how adaptation is studied in mountain systems as well as what we know about and might do to address growing adaptation needs in high mountain communities.
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)
This article summarises the ASFCC programme that has developed and integrated social forestry approaches into the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies of ASEAN and the member states.
Addressing the risk of maladaptation to climate change
This paper reviews the current theoretical scholarship on maladaptation and provides some specific case studies—in the Maldives, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Bangladesh—to advance the field.
Advancing adaptive governance of social-ecological systems through theoretical multiplicity
The aim of this paper is to examine adaptive governance as a theory of environmental governance.
Integrating ecosystem- and community-based adaptation: Lessons from Model Forests in Latin America
Ecosystem- and community- based both have valuable benefits, but are often used in isolation.This article describes lessons learned from the integration of both approaches in the EcoAdapt project.