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Croatian Red Cross

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The Croatian Red Cross is a humanitarian, first-aid organisation that has worked ailling the wounded, sick and destitute in the country since the 1800s. Today, the organisation focuses on first aid, assistance to refugees and migrants, blood banks, health protection, water life saving services, community programmes, youth and volunteering, as well as disaster preparedness and response.

The Croatian Red Cross is integral part of the protection and rescue system of the Republic of Croatia. Representatives of the Croatian Red Cross are members of crises management bodies on national, county and city level. Croatian Red Cross participates in all the activities linked to crises, during all phases – from preparedness activities to response and recovery phase.

Croatian Red Cross implements preparedness activities and responds in case of disasters and other emergencies. It prepares disaster response units on local and national level and informs citizens of all ages about correct procedures and behaviour in emergencies. All the needed equipment is procured and stockpiled in the Central warehouse in Zagreb and in regional warehouses.

Disaster preparedness activities include trainings for disaster response units that are organized on the city and county level. Every member adopts basic knowledge in first aid, psychosocial support, security and self-protection and communication. After initial education, they can specialize in one of the areas: first aid (advanced training), assessment, tracing, shelter, water and sanitation.

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