Humanitarian aid
State and trends in climate adaptation finance 2023
This report covers global status and trends of adaptation finance and provides a deeper analysis of Africa at a regional level, given the heightened adaptation needs and opportunities on the continent.
The Climate Crisis: A Humanitarian and a Jewish issue
This report makes the case for why faith-based, humanitarian charities should be adjusting their work to ensure they are building long-term climate resilience, rather than only focusing on short-term, emergency responses.
To do so, it explains the basics of climate science for a non-expert audience, summarises the expected impacts of the climate crisis and the humanitarian imperative to address them, and explains how key Jewish values are being threatened by the climate crisis. It then sets out how World Jewish Relief is structuring its own work on resilience building, mitigation, adaptation and preparedness, to set an example for how their own organisation could begin to enter such a huge sphere of work.
The Case for Cash in Responding to Humanitarian Crises in Malawi
Learn about the case of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme in Malawi, which shows how cash transfers can be an effective modality for providing food assistance to crisis-affected populations.
Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Sudanese refugee-hosting area in eastern Chad
The initiative aims to promote the peaceful cohabitation between local and displaced communities based on joint rehabilitation of overexploited ecosystems.
Should resilience-building projects (always) be socially acceptable?
This paper asks "What makes humanitarian and development projects socially acceptable?" It combines various sources to gain insight into people’s lived experiences of (trying) to build resilience.
The New Frontier of Adaptive Finance for Disaster Recovery
This report asks how financial institutions can adapt their offerings to rebuild healthy markets after shock events and explores the use of adaptive finance for supporting post-disaster recovery.
Crisis modifiers: A solution for a more flexible development-humanitarian system?
Do crisis modifiers enable development actors to act early, address climate and conflict risks, and work coherently alongside humanitarian actors?
Disaster response: The 72-hour Emergency Assessment approach
This document provides an overview of the aims, applications and general method behind the 72-hour assessment method, by which WFP can respond quickly and appropriately to humanitarian disasters.
The Sendai Framework: A catalyst for the transformation of disaster risk reduction through adaptive governance?
This discussion brief examines how elements of adaptive governance appear in the Sendai Framework, and how they might support transformative change in DRR.
Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)
CEDRIG is a practical and user friendly tool developed to systematically integrate climate, environment and disaster risk reduction into development and humanitarian aid.