Addressing climate change adaptation in fragile settings and conflict-affected countries: Lessons learned from the Adaptation Fund’s portfolio
The study provides an overview of the Fund’s experience and lessons learned from addressing climate change adaptation and strengthening long-term resilience in fragile and conflict-afflicted countries.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: The El Niño Phenomenon and Related Impacts
This brief focuses on El Niño–Southern Oscillation phenomenon and the 2015/2016 El Niño event in particular, the environmental and societal impacts and effects of which will extend well into 2017.
The impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition in the Middle East and North Africa
This report sets out the risks to food security in the Middle East and North Africa from climate change, and how these vulnerabilities interact with other key trends and sources of risk.
Climate and Syria: did the media get it right?
During 2015 the media started connecting climate change with the conflict in Syria and subsequent refugee movements across Europe. This report looks at their appraoch and whether they got it right.
The Way Forward to prepare a Framework of National Adaptation Action in Syria
The primary goal of the NAAP process is to identify priority measures to adapt to climate change and climate variability,...
CIRCE case study on the impact of climate change in Tal Hadya
Wheat growing in Tal Hadya: Photo ICARDA Tel Hadya is a water scarce area in the North of Syria. During...