Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)

Tackling risks arising from climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards in an integrated manner is one of the greatest challenges of today. These risks significantly influence the resilience of systems and communities. Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to those risks due to their limited coping capacities. Furthermore, the necessity to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, avoid environmental degradation and prevent the building-up of new risks is a key challenge for all countries in order to avoid losing development achievements.
The Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) is a practical and user friendly tool developed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is meant to systematically integrate climate, environment and disaster risk reduction (DRR) into development cooperation and humanitarian aid in order to enhance the overall resilience of systems and communities.
CEDRIG helps development and humanitarian actors to reflect whether existing and planned strategies, programs and projects are at risk from climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards, as well as whether these interventions could further exacerbate GHG emissions, environmental degradation or risks of natural hazards.
Watch a video about the conceptual background of CEDRIG: [video:]
Watch this video in [Spanish] [French] [German]
Methods and Tools
CEDRIG follows an integrated approach to assess the risks for and the unintended potential negative impacts of a new strategy, program or project. By its application, existing or planned interventions will become more climate, environmental and risk smart.
The guidance is divided into 3 parts: CEDRIG Light will help you to decide whether a detailed risk and impact assessment must be conducted or not. In case of a ‘yes’, CEDRIG Strategic will help you to analyze strategies and programs, while CEDRIG Operational will be applied for projects.
CEDRIG Light is proposed to be conducted individually or in a participatory manner by involving various relevant stakeholders for maximum 2 hours. CEDRIG Strategic or Operational are proposed to be conducted in form of a workshop with all relevant stakeholders. The duration can vary from 1.5 to 3 days depending upon the scope and interest / availability of the participants. Additional efforts are necessary to prepare e.g. relevant information on the given context and current state of the art.
Recent development: An offline version of CEDRIG is now available that allows you to use CEDRIG while not being connected to the internet. This version can be filled out offline and can then be easily transferred into the online version at your convenience, thereby providing all benefits of the online version.

CEDRIG Light: Rapid risk and impact screening
[video:]Watch this video in [Spanish] [French] [German]
This module (taking max. one hour when carried out alone) serves as an initial filter to assess whether strategies, programmes or projects are at a significant risk from climate change, disasters, and/or environmental degradation (risk perspective) and whether they could potentially have a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions and/or the environment and create new risks or exacerbate existing risks (impact perspective). The results are used to decide if a detailed assessment must be conducted (CEDRIG Strategic or CEDRIG Operational).
Download the CEDRIG Light Guide from the right-hand column of this page (Featured Download). Also in [Spanish] [French]
CEDRIG Strategic: Detailed assessment and integration
[video:]Watch this video in [Spanish] [French] [German]
This participatory module, taking approximately one day without the preparation time, allows to systematically integrate climate change, environment and disaster risk reduction into an existing or planned strategy or programme. It covers two perspectives: A risk perspective (adaptation to climate change, to degraded environments and integration of disaster risk reduction measures) and an impact perspective (avoiding negative impacts on the climate and on the environment and avoiding the creation of new risks or the exacerbation of existing risks linked to natural hazards).
Download the CEDRIG Strategic Guide: [English] [Spanish] [French]
CEDRIG Operational: Detailed assessment and integration
[video:]Watch this video in [Spanish] [French] [German]
This participatory module, taking approximately two to three days without the preparation time, allows to systematically integrate climate change, environment and disaster risk reduction into an existing or planned project. It covers two perspectives: A risk perspective (adaptation to climate change, to degraded environments and integration of disaster risk reduction measures) and an impact perspective (avoiding negative impacts on the climate and on the environment and avoiding the creation of new risks or the exacerbation of existing risks linked to natural hazards).
Download the CEDRIG Operational Guide: [English] [Spanish] [French]
Contact Us
Get in touch with us if you wish to learn more about CEDRIG and how it is being used by the members of the Climate, DRR and Environment network of SDC.
Focal Points: Climate, DRR and Environment at SDCJacqueline Schmid and André Wehrli
[email protected] Climate, DRR and Environment at SDC Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)