disaster preparedness
Climate financial preparedness in the Philippines
The Philippines' Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (DRFI) strategy is a proactive approach to disaster resilience, focusing on financial preparedness and protection for vulnerable populations. Key initiatives, such as the National Indemnity Insurance Program and agricultural insurance subsidies, aim to enhance fiscal stability and safeguard essential assets, including schools and livelihoods for farmers.
Lessons on (un)preparedness and (in)action from Spain
This piece discusses how recent floods in Spain, worsened by climate change, reveal significant gaps in emergency preparedness and disaster response, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and systemic reform to mitigate future risks.
COPE Books for Children: Avalanches
Learn about disaster risk reduction and avalanches with this illustrated book for children by COPE.
Tracking Community Perspectives on Climate Resilience in Bangladesh
In 2022, Ground Truth Solutions partnered with IIED and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), to survey the opinions of more than 2,300 citizen in three areas of Bangladesh particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The aim was to understand how they perceive the quality and impact of adaptation programmes in their communities, and the extent to which they feel their views, opinions and experiences are considered in decision-making.
COPE Books for Children: Heatwaves
Learn about disaster risk reduction and heatwaves in this illustrated children's book. The COPE squad travel to the WMO HQ in Geneva, Switzerland on the way on their epic Heatwaves mission where they put their disaster risk reduction skills into action!
COPE Books for Children: Droughts
Learn about how climate change will impact droughts and how to be more prepared for them with this illustrated book for children from COPE and United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction.
COPE Books for Children: Wildfires
Learn about disaster risk reduction and wildfires with this illustrated children's book from COPE. This time the COPE Squad travel to Pretoria, South Africa, to meet experts and learn all about wildfires. They put their training to good use when called to San Francisco to help with a real Wildfire.
COPE Books for Children: Storm Surges
Learn about risk reduction for storm surges in this illustrated book for children from COPE. This time the COPE squad travels to Hong Kong and the traditional fishing village of Tai O.
COPE Books for Children: Floods
Learn about disaster risk reduction and floods with this illustrated book for children from COPE.
An essential guide to flood safety and resilience: Advice for UK homeowners
This guide, developed in partnership with the insurance sector, aims to raise flood risk awareness in the UK, and support smarter decisions on property purchases.