Solar Irrigation for Agriculture Resilience in South Asia (SoLAR)
The SDC-funded SoLAR project aims to promote solar irrigation as a water-energy solution for climate-resilient and socially inclusive agrarian livelihoods in South Asia.
Adapting to transboundary risks in mountain regions
Explore solutions on the A@A Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders in this Adaptation at Altitude brief.
Nature-based Solutions in Action: Lessons from the Frontline
Explore real-life evidence of how high quality NbS can deliver positive outcomes for climate, nature and people through 13 case studies in this IIED report.
Leave No Mountain Behind: Disaster Risk Reduction for All
Why, despite the essential role mountains play in enabling countries and regions adapt to climate change, reduce disaster risks and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, are mountain communities often left behind economically and politically? Learn more in this issue brief.
Promoting ambitious climate action for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
(Videos) This focus day on HKH, which was live streamed from the Cryosphere Pavilion at COP26, explored the scaling up of investment in mountain-specific climate priorities and low carbon development, the dissemination of high-impact solutions that can deliver climate action in the HKH region, and shared policy and youth perspectives on climate action. Watch the recordings of each session.
Reducing Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Northern Pakistan
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the Adaptation Fund
The Winter Preparedness and Avalanche Readiness Programme, a comprehensive avalanche preparedness plan in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan
The Winter Preparedness and Avalanche Readiness Programme is a comprehensive avalanche preparedness plan put in place by the Aga Khan...
Climate action in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
This event provided a platform for stakeholders from the Hindu Kush Himalaya to discuss how regional collaboration can deliver ambitious climate action in the region.
Guardians of the Planet: Asia Pacific Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and Disaster Risk Reduction
The article presents findings from consultations with children and youth in 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific. It highlights their knowledge, experience and contribution to disaster resilience and climate action.
CBA14 Marketplace: Adapting for Climate Justice
This publication presents two case-studies of community-based and locally led adaptation, support by Islamic Relief. The publication more generally addresses climate justice and adaptation in the context of Islamic Relief projects.