Impact assessment
Glaciology Curriculum
The Glaciology Curriculum provides access to 19 modules covering various aspects of glaciology, including the impacts of changing climate on glacier behavior and glacier hazards.
Launched: The BRACED Resilience Exchange
The Resilience Exchange is a flagship report exploring what the Building resilience and adaptation to climate extremes and disasters programme (BRACED) programme has learned after two years.
Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)
CEDRIG is a practical and user friendly tool developed to systematically integrate climate, environment and disaster risk reduction into development and humanitarian aid.
Assessing current and future climate threats and opportunities with the University of St Andrews
This case study explains how the University of St Andrews completed a climate impact assessment workshop with staff and senior managers from the Estates department.
5 Things You Should Know About Climate Change in the Caribbean
This video explains what climate change means to the communities in the Caribbean Islands, and what adaptation and resilience-building actions are being done.
Estrategias de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Municipios de Nicaragua del Golfo de Fonseca
The Gulf of Fonseca is an important set of terrestrial and coastal marine ecosystems shared by three countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Gulf is in the process of being declared a Biosphere Reserve by environmental and natural value.
Climate Change Impact on Pastures and Livestock Systems in Kyrgyzstan
The report describes the new livestock umbrella programme the Kyrgyz government with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) aiming at helping the country to face not only today´s problems and constrains in the livestock sector but also future challenges.
Climate Futures for Tasmania
Photo: Angello Failla Adaptation context The small island state of Tasmania has some of Australia’s most extensive and best-conserved wilderness...
Analysis of climate change impacts on coffee, cocoa, and basic grains value chains in Northern Honduras
Summary In 2011, the Government of Honduras asked IFAD ( to prepare a project proposal aimed at increasing the climate...
Climate Change Impact on Pastures and Livestock Systems in Kyrgyzstan
The Kyrgyz government with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has designed a new livestock umbrella programme aiming at helping the country to face current and future problems and constrains in the livestock sector.