Applying the IPCC 2014 framework for hazard-specific vulnerability assessment under climate change
This paper compares the framework of the IPCC AR4 (2007) to that outlined in IPCC AR5 (2014) and describes how the AR5 framework provides a more contextualised and operationalisable approach.
Conceptualizing community resilience to natural hazards – the emBRACE framework
This paper describes the emBRACE framework of community resilience - a heuristic analytical tool for understanding, explaining and measuring community resilience to natural hazards.
Managing disaster risks and water under climate change in Central Asia and Caucasus
This publication presents the conclusions emerging from a joint learning journey involving three thematic networks – Climate Change and Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Water.
The first app to empower citizens against floods, wildfires and extreme weather events
The app enables its users to share pictures and other information on natural hazards and provides extensive information from multiple sources about the risks of suffering from these threats.
Glaciology Curriculum
The Glaciology Curriculum provides access to 19 modules covering various aspects of glaciology, including the impacts of changing climate on glacier behavior and glacier hazards.
Session 5: Act to Adapt
A giant board game that gets youth to prioritise resources in their community which are vulnerable to extreme weather. Youth negotiate to take individual or collective actions to adapt resources.
Session 4: See the System
A card game to see how people, places and things (resources) fit into systems, followed by an activity to systematically brainstorm and prioritise community resources.
Session 3: Map the Hazard
Critical thinking challenge to map out extreme weather and its impacts on different societal groups. Voting determines the most frequent and impactful hazards in the local community.
Session 2: Climate Change Challenge
A playful session that demonstrates weather compared to climate, leading into an energetic game that teaches about the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change.
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development
This publication highlights 15 cases of good practice in development and applied research from mountain regions, and illustrates how the Sendai Framework’s four priorities can be put into practice.