disaster response
The first app to empower citizens against floods, wildfires and extreme weather events
The app enables its users to share pictures and other information on natural hazards and provides extensive information from multiple sources about the risks of suffering from these threats.
Making Mobility Work for Adaptation to Environmental Challenges
This comparative report of six countries empirically tests how migration can benefit or undermine adaptation to environmental and climate change, based on MECLEP research.
Role of various sectors in demonstrating resilience during Chennai flood in 2015
Case studies of how different sectors built resilience during the 2015 Chennai floods provide insights into local actions. Understanding the actions can improve preparedness for extreme events.
Multi-Hazard approach to early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims...
Looking upstream: enhancers of child nutritional status in post-flood rural settings
This article explores the role of education in reducing the societal impacts of extreme flood events, particularly with regards to post-flood child undernutrition.
Flood-Exposure is Associated with Higher Prevalence of Child Undernutrition in Rural Eastern India
Climate change threats to rural India: Flooding linked to child undernutrition, particularly child wasting. Repeated flooding was associated to 3 times higher prevalence of severe wasting.
Social Learning and Resilience Building in the emBRACE Framework
This report explores how the challenges faced by communities at risk from environmental hazards might be tackled via the application of social learning practices.
emBRACE highlights: Google Earth Flyover for South Tyrol
Check out this Google Earth Flyover video for the emBRACE case study South Tyrol, Italy.
Working with nature towards integrated approaches to disaster risk reduction
Introduction All around the world, people are increasingly exposed to disaster risk from natural hazards such as droughts, storms and...