The Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) was created in 1983 on the initiative of the Council of Europe in order to equip the Pyrenean region with a structure for cross-border cooperation. In 1993, this community became an association, and then in 2005 transformed into a Consorcio, a legal entity under Spanish public law. This status notably allowed it to become the Managing Authority of the Franco-Spanish cross-border cooperation programme POCTEFA for the 2007-2013 period. The CTP’s main objective is to contribute to the development of the Pyrenean region. It aims to promote exchanges between the territories and the actors spanning the mountain range; to approach local problems in an integrated manner; to look for joint solutions to the challenges identified; and to undertake joint and structuring actions of a cross-border scope.
- Countries involved: Spain , France , Andorra
- Regions concerned:Aquitaine, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées (France); Autonomous Communities of Aragon, Catalonia, Euskadi (Basque Country), Navarre (Spain); Principality of Andorra
The Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory
The Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) was created by the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) as part of its 2009-2011 actions programme. Created on the 14th January, 2010, the main objective of the OPCC is to monitor and thus have a better understanding of the phenomena of climate change as well as initiating studies and reflexions in the hope of identifying what actions are necessary to limit its impact and adapt to its effects.
The purpose of Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory is to follow and understand the climate evolution in the Pyrenees with the aim of limiting the impacts and adapting to its effects by defining appropriate adaptation strategies for socio-economic sectors and the most fragile natural areas.
More broadly, its approach seeks to develop the visibility of the Pyrenees on both a European and international level in the fields of observation and adaptation to climate change. It also aims to integrate the Observatory into the European networks linked to the activities of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory.