Post-COVID Economic Recovery and Natural Capital: Lessons from Brazil, France, India, and Uganda
This article assesses selected post-COVID policies of the Government of India to understand the extent of incorporating natural capital elements in decision-making.
PROSNOW, a novel climate service enabling real-time optimization of snow management in mountain ski resorts
Connecting platforms
You can also find this solution on the Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps (CAPA) platform, which supports decision-makers in Alpine countries, regions and municipalities in adapting to climate and on the European climate change adaptation platform, Climate ADAPT.
ClimSnow, a novel climate service to inform ski resorts strategies in France
ClimSnow is a climate service developed to inform ski resorts' strategies in the context of climate change. It provides estimates...
Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps (CAPA)
The Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps (CAPA) platform supports decision-makers in Alpine countries, regions and municipalities in adapting to climate change.
RegionsAdapt 2018 Report: Multi-level Governance in Climate Change Adaptation
The RegionsAdapt 2018 Report gathers the physical and socio-economic climate risks that 42 regions around the world face and their best adaptation practices to address these challenges.
The restoration of the former saltworks in the Camargue
Adaptive restoration of former saltworksin the Camargue can help wetlands recover their functionality and resilience to adapt to sea-level rise, while improving the biodiversity habitat.
Responding to Increased Summer Heat Stress for Nuclear Power Plants
This Ouranos case study explores how EDF Nuclear Power Plants respond to increased summer heat stress.
Climate bond financing urban adaptation actions to reduce heat stress in Paris
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page....
Climate Change Impact on Pastures and Livestock Systems in Kyrgyzstan
The Kyrgyz government with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has designed a new livestock umbrella programme aiming at helping the country to face current and future problems and constrains in the livestock sector.
E-VitiClimate, an e-learning platform for viticulture and climate change: Bulgaria
Summary The Lifelong learning project E-VitiClimate aims to address the challenges that climate change poses for European wine producers.Changes in...