
Echnoserve Consulting PLC is a local sustainable development, environmental and energy consulting firm with over seven years of experience working in climate change issues including Vulnerability and Adaptation, Policy Analysis, Baseline Development, as well as Monitoring and Evaluation. In addition to our enormous experiences working on climate change issues, we also have experience in conducting extensive baseline development, developing M&E framework, Capacity Building and Training.
Operating at the intersection of these key sectors, Echnoserve assists Government Agencies, International Organizations and NGO’s in implementing programs, conducting research, and building capacity. Echnoserve also works with local communities in Adaptation and Mitigation areas to manage their transitions. Our clients include Ministry of Environment and Forest , Ministry of Agriculture , United States Environmental Protection Authority, Japan Ministry of Environment, The World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), UNDP, UNEP, World Resources Institute (WRI) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Echnoserve has fourteen full time staff and over twenty local consultants who perform on various tasks. Its technical staff is composed of two personnel with PhDs, five masters and four BA/BSc degrees. The company has three functional divisions: Monitoring and Evaluation with MRV, Capacity Building and Policy Analysis/Research. Cutting across these functional divisions are staff workers from various sectors such as Agriculture, Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development.