The Global Adaptation Network works on a range of adaptation projects, connecting each one into a larger worldwide platform. GAN’s regional networks and partners benefit from being part of a global umbrella network for many reasons, including opportunities for networking, collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and the accessing of funding avenues. Once cutting-edge techniques for adaptation are uncovered, GAN spreads this work far and wide to ensure its uptake where necessary. Solutions are transferred from producers and innovators to those who most need them.
The Global Adaptation Network hosts its own biennial Forums, bringing together some of the greatest experts in climate adaptation. The Forums have been influencing climate policy at an international scale, and they encompass diverse themes, from climate risk insurance schemes to the engagement of the private sector. In keeping with GAN’s emphasis on direct face-to-face exchange of knowledge, the network has been organizing myriad learning exchanges around the world, whereby experts impart innovative tricks and tips in adaptation to their counterparts in other regions.
The university-city partnership project, EPIC (Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities), has been working with GAN to extend their model to all continents around the globe. The EPIC project connects university students and courses to the real-world problems faced by their local cities. Consequently, in a win-win synergy, students obtain direct experience while cities cost-effectively solve their environmental challenges. The Chronicle of Higher Education called the model “one of higher education’s most successful and comprehensive service-learning programs.” GAN is now focused on the new EPIC-Africa Network, launched at the end of 2017.
GAN has been developing the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI), which seeks to identify the most pressing gaps in adaptation knowledge. LAKI works through a participatory process of gap prioritization, accompanied by science-policy-practice dialogue, which catalyses the implementation of actions to meet these existing gaps.
Read more about GAN’s activities: