knowledge gaps
A roadmap for integrating theory and field observations in South America montane ecosystems
Learn about the empirical and theoretical approaches currently used to quantify the ecosystem service provision in South American montane forests and alpine environments. A broad roadmap for the creation of a trandisciplinary network that can bridge the gap between the needs of modelling and data availability is proposed, in order to facilitate the implementation of mountain vegetation into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models that are used in Earth System Models.
Closing the Adaptation Gap in Mountains
This MountainAgenda article introduces a conceptual framework for adaptation gaps. It uses data from 2 major global-scale adaptation reviews to shed light on the nature and true magnitude of the adaptation gap in mountains. It reveals shortcomings in available adaptation options, deficits in the uptake of existing adaptation support, and a general lack of coherence between existing adaptations and keystone global agreements relevant to climate change adaptation.
Mountain Adaptation Outlook Series: Synthesis Report
This 2018 synthesis report explores existing adaptation policies in main global mountain regions, and identifies gaps - as well as opportunities - to integrate mountain-specific adaptation measures into key sectoral, national and regional development strategies and policies.
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Andes: gaps in understanding and opportunities for knowledge management
This regional study aims to identify the knowledge gaps and working priorities for climate change adaptation in the Andes.