urban adaptation
Creating youth climate councils: A step-by-step guide for young people
Have you wanted to make a difference in your local community but did not know where to start? Learn how to establish a youth climate council in your city with this practical step-by-step guide!
Factsheet for young people: Urban development and city resilience
Learn more about city resilience and urban development in Africa with this factsheet for young people from the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
Lessons Learned from webinar “Advancing Climate Resilience in European Cities – Innovations and Strategies for Urban Adaptation”
The first MAIA Webinar took place on 9 June 2023, addressing the theme “Advancing Climate Resilience in European Cities: Innovations and Strategies for Urban Adaptation” with the participation of three EU-Funded Projects: CityCLIM, LIFE BAETULO, and ICARIA. Click here to read the lessons learned from this insightful webinar.
Meaningful participation in urban ecosystem-based adaptation – how can it work?
Discover how urban ecosystem-based adaptation approaches can foster participation and inclusiveness through a series of global examples in this short blog.
Nature-based Solutions for Stormwater Management in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland – Prerequisites and Good Practices
The report provides a snapshot of the definitions, types of solutions and co-benefits of nature-based solutions for stormwater management both in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and globally. Based on the findings, the report discusses factors facilitating and hindering nature-based solutions for stormwater management.
The Importance of Including Persons with Disabilities in Tackling Climate Change
This briefing report explores the daily difficulties people with disabilities face in extreme weather, what policies and measures can support them, and how to engage them in climate change mitigation and adaptation in their daily lives.
Cities, Settlements & Key Infrastructure – Frequently Asked Questions from Chapter 6 of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report
Why and how are cities, settlements, and different types of infrastructure especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change? Learn about this and other frequently asked questions from Chapter 6 of the IPCC's AR6 Working Group II report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.
Community Commons as Socially Just and Adaptive Spaces
Understand how 'community commons' can be potential adaptive spaces in urban poor settlements of the Global South through this ArcGIS StoryMap.
FRACTAL Podcast Series – Exploring transdisciplinary approaches to support resilience and adaptation decision making
The STARTcast is a podcast created by START for early- and mid-career scientists. Listen to Season 2 on co-creating climate information with decision-makers for climate-resilient cities in southern Africa as part of the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) project.
Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): a focus on the Global South
Examples of urban EbA interventions, predominantly in the Global South, are explored in this paper and linked with seven proposed EbA social principles related to climate justice.