Geo-Environmental Resource Association (GERAS) is a Cameroonian Geo-Environmental and Ecological Association that is non-profit making, non denominational, charitable, development orientated and apolitical in nature. GERAS CAMEROON is a dynamic team dominated by Geologists, Geographers, Biologists, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Experts, Geo-Spatial Information System (GIS) Experts, Chemists, Educationists, Journalists and other specialists; called up to validate the Association’s Missions and Visions. GERAS CAMEROON has been vetted nationally by the Civil Society Strengthening Program (PASC) of the Cameroon-European Union Corporation, and internationally by the Global Giving Foundation and One Percent for the Planet (1%FTP). GERAS has developed good partnerships nationally in Cameroon and internationally; and is still looking out for more partnership opportunities. You are welcomed to be a long term partner of GERAS if we share similar visions, values and approaches.
As an implementing agency, GERAS CAMEROON’s theory of change is based on building its capacity to support effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation and program management. GERAS CAMEROON’s activities (capacity building workshops and seminars; communication, networking, campaigning, community project implementation), will improve the lives of local and poor people in Cameroon by filling the knowledge and skills gap that currently influence the way the people interact with the environment, mitigate and adapt to climate change. These community services will contribute to the alleviation of poverty.