poverty alleviation
A guide to selecting ecosystem service models for decision-making Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa
This guide by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme helps readers to assess how ecosystem service models could support policy-making in their countries.
Round-up of the 10th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA10)
This article summarizes the discussions that took place at the CBA10 international conference, which this year had an urban focus, with the theme of ‘enhancing urban community resilience’
The 13th Development & Climate Days at COP21
The theme this year is "Zero poverty, zero emissions: tough talk on poverty and climate", reflecting the importance of achieving an agreement on climate change that is fair, as well as ambitious.
MOUNTAIN-EVO: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories
This project is about how to govern mountatin ecosystems for poverty alleviation enabled by environmental virtual observatories.
Whole Decision Network Analysis for Coastal Ecosystems (WD-NACE)
This project looks at the relationship between governance, power and knowledge structures and how these influence behaviour, actions and decision taking for sustainable social-ecological ecosystems.