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The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. Founded in 1975, IFPRI is a member of theCGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership for a food secure future.

IFPRI’s Vision

A World Free of Hunger and Malnutrition

IFPRI’s Mission

To Provide Research-Based Policy Solutions That Sustainably Reduce Poverty and End Hunger and Malnutrition

Strategy and research

IFPRI’s 2013-2018 strategy highlights six strategic research areas:

  1. Ensuring Sustainable Food Production
  2. Promoting Healthy Food Systems
  3. Improving Markets and Trade
  4. Transforming Agriculture
  5. Building Resilience
  6. Strengthening Institutions and Governance

A gender theme cuts across all six areas.

IFPRI leads two of CGIAR’s Research Programs (CRPs): Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH).

Partnerships, communications, and capacity strengthening are essential for putting IFPRI’s high-quality research into practice.

IFPRI produces high quality research that can shape policies, investments, and programs, contributing to a productive, sustainable and resilient agricultural and food system.

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