PACC Peru Climate Change Adaptation Programme: Strengthening actions, scaling up responses
This article describes the key findings of PACC PERU,an initiative of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition in the Middle East and North Africa
This report sets out the risks to food security in the Middle East and North Africa from climate change, and how these vulnerabilities interact with other key trends and sources of risk.
Yachaykusun: Lessons on climate change from the Andes (Apurimac region)
This online book details the innovative responses of rural populations to climate change in the Andean highlands. To read the full text please go to the article page here.
Yachaykusun: Lessons on climate change from the Andes (Cusco region)
This online book details the innovative responses of rural populations to climate change in the Andean highlands. To read the full text please go to the article page here.
Yachaykusun: Lessons on climate change from the Andes
This online book details the innovative responses of rural populations to climate change in the Andean highlands, aided by the implementation of resilience building practices by PACC Peru.
Flood-Exposure is Associated with Higher Prevalence of Child Undernutrition in Rural Eastern India
Climate change threats to rural India: Flooding linked to child undernutrition, particularly child wasting. Repeated flooding was associated to 3 times higher prevalence of severe wasting.
Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition, Chad
The CRAM programme design draws on the analysis that food insecurity and malnutrition arise from a dynamic interplay of different factors that cannot be addressed in isolation.
NCAP Ghana: Health Sector Assessment
Climate change, in the form of thermal stress, can directly affect cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity and mortality. Indirectly, climate variability...
Food Security and Climate Change
Agricultural production, including access to food, in many African countries and regions, is projected to be severely compromised by climate...