Kikandwa Environmental Association (KEA) is a developmental community based organisation in Uganda founded in 1999 with purpose of addressing rural development issues and natural resource management. KEA was born out of the need to address the alarming low levels of food security, low income in the rural communities in addition to protecting against rapid degradation of natural resource on which more than 95% of Mubende and Mityana District depend for their livelihood.
KEA has grown into a strong organization through networking participatory planning at grassroot level and lobbying and advocating governments and other stake holders on the importance of agriculture and natural resource management issues in the district. KEA acts as a conduit to enable local communities to engage effectively with governments (Local, National, Regional and International), the private sector, NGOs and donor agencies in the sustainable development process. KEA has the self willing intention to share her experience /achievements and virtues with all other partners in Global Development.
Improved Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) for Sustainable Development.
To contribute to sustainable Development, thereby improving the livelihood of the vulnerable rural communities through increased agricultural productivity and natural resources management practices. Motto Conserve and protect the environment.