Kiribati Climate Action Network (KiriCAN)is an independent organization registered with the CAN International and is a partner to the Pacific Calling Partnership based in Sydney.
KiriCAN desires to create a network of all other organizations in Kiribati and to liaise with the local government and international organizations on Climate Change issues affecting the Civil Society.
KiriCAN notes that the earth is under severe threat from harmful climate change, which is being influenced by humans through our constant and still fast-growing production of greenhouse gases. KiriCAN as a network faces this threat with the common concern of its members and population in Kiribati.
The vision of KiriCAN is a country striving actively towards and achieving the protection of the global climate in a manner which promotes equity and social justice between peoples, sustainable development of all communities, and protection of the global environment. KiriCAN unites to work towards this vision.
Mission Statement
KiriCAN’s mission is to support and empower civil society organizations to influence the design and development of an effective national strategy on mitigation and adaptation processes and ensure its implementation at international, national and local levels in the promotion of equity and sustainable development.
- Kiribati Climate Action Network (KiriCAN) aims to address climate change through the actions of the people of Kiribati, their elected representatives and employers.
- To prevent dangerous climate change through awareness and capacity building of the citizens of Kiribati.
- To protect Kiribati environment from dangerous human interference.
- To be the conscience of I-Kiribati concerning issues of climate change.
- To facilitate the radical transformation in the way we use resources, the land and energy.
- To prioritize sustainable development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- To inspire government, business, community, and individual action to this effect.
- To develop an objective understanding of climate change and its causes, and share this information with all people, especially all members.
- To organize, support, inspire and co-ordinate its members to take effective action on climate change.
- Defends the health and the rights of future generations as well as the right to survival of our culture, language, traditions and our land which is being threatened by climate change
- Active participation in local, regional and international climate change negotiations and all other relevant fora.
- Raising awareness on Climate Change issues in Kiribati pushing these issues onto the global agenda which could influence the climate change decision-making process.
- Placing new climate change, equity and sustainable development on agenda whenever it is available.
- Contributing to the establishment of national and local climate change agendas through mobilizing a genuinely inclusive civil society process at all levels.
- Promoting a nuclear free future
- Ensuring the gains at the global level are translated into concrete benefits at the national and local level, and are implemented effectively and work to benefit of poor people and countries
- Facilitating a process for developing campaigns and negotiating strategies at the global level.
- Holding global institutions and the private sector accountable for their actions and ensuring they respond to social and environmental concerns.
- Developing and disseminating knowledge that is crucial to addressing the trans-national challenges of climate change.
- Addressing the participatory gap through the creation of inclusive processes.
Primary activities
- Information sharing
- Capacity Building
- Lobbying on common positions
- Co-ordination of media messages
- Co-ordination of research efforts
- Co-operation with other NGO groupings
- Mobilization of public support and awareness
- Any other activities which would promote the KiriCAN’s objectives