Small Island Developing States
Youth Climate Justice Handbook: Summary for policymakers
The Youth Climate Justice Handbook presents the best and most progressive legal arguments on climate justice, responding specifically to the questions the UN General Assembly is requesting the International Court of Justice to answer.
Assessing finance for nature-based solutions to climate change
Explore this assessment of funding for nature-based solutions aimed at developing countries, using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and learn about the extent to which this funding is being used effectively.
A review of mental health and wellbeing under climate change in small island developing states (SIDS)
This paper reviews research about mental health and wellbeing under climate change in small island developing states (SIDS).
Climate change, ecosystem services and migration in the Marshall Islands: are they related?
The Marshall Islands experience severe climate impacts and high emigration rates. However, we do not know to what extent people migrate because of climate change. This paper addresses this gap.
Building Climate Resilience in Comoros
This project is helping the government to build climate resilience in 15 locations across three Comorian islands.
How Integrated Vulnerability Assessments Support NAP Processes in the Pacific Region
This briefing note highlights the significance of the IVA Framework to the NAP processes underway in three Pacific island states: Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands.
Developing Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Plan
This case study outlines the process taken by the Saint Lucia government to create a National Adaptation Plan as a part of its response to climate change.
Local Solutions: Adapting to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States
This report brings together case studies that highlight how CBA projects have helped to increase the adaptive capacities of local communities in SIDS.
Vulnerability Assessment of Jamaica’s Transport Sector
The assessment sheds light on priority regions and specific vulnerabilities in Jamaica's transport sector, and offers guidance on how to climate-proof future and current investments.
Resilience Realities: Resilience and Development Practice in Vanuatu
This research has identified key issues related to resilience following Tropical Cyclone Pam that contribute to community-based adaptation and resilience discourse and action across scales.