Oxfam Novib

We are a world-wide development organisation that mobilizes the power of people against poverty. Around the globe, we work to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive.
Oxfam Novib is one of 17 affiliates of the Oxfam confederation, who together work with local partners in 94 countries. Oxfam Novib has the lead role in Oxfam’s work in Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Egypt, Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, the Occupied Palestinian Territories/Israel, Somalia, Uganda and Vietnam.
We also work in Bangladesh, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Laos, Mali, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan, Sudan, Yemen and Zimbabwe, and on Oxfam’s pan-Africa programme.
Themes we work on: