Transport for Wales (TfW) was set up by Welsh Government in 2016 to oversee public transport in Wales.
We’re committed to delivering an accessible, sustainable, and efficient multi-modal transport network with sustainability embedded throughout our organisation. Green Infrastructure is a strategic network of high quality green spaces and other natural features, designed and managed to deliver the ecological services and quality of life benefits required by communities now, and in the future. We’re looking for more opportunities to include green infrastructure across our network to help deliver a wide range of benefits which include:
- Combating the effects of climate change that are becoming more prevalent, including reducing surface water flooding, pollution, the ‘heat island effect’ and improving carbon storage
- Providing habitats and connectivity for wildlife in urban areas and contributing to biodiversity no net loss/net gain in projects
- Improving physical and mental health by providing recreational space, encouraging active travel, reducing stress levels and health inequalities by bringing people closer to nature and improving air quality
- Contributing to local, regional and national biodiversity targets including maintaining and enhancing resilient ecological networks and improving ecosystem services.