UNEP-WCMC is the specialist biodiversity assessment arm of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) based in Cambridge, UK.
UNEP works to encourage sustainable development through sound environmental practices, and has an extensive portfolio of activities around biodiversity. To help deliver these, it collaborates with WCMC, a not-for-profit organization with staff that includes dozens of specialists in the fields of biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as social science, economics, law and information technology.
Working with partners worldwide, the Centre provides objective, scientifically rigorous products and services to help decision makers learn about the value of biodiversity and apply this knowledge. We not only collate and verify data on biodiversity and ecosystem services but also analyse and interpret it, making the results available to our partners in accessible forms.
Our funding comes from a variety of sources, including UNEP, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, national governments, the corporate sector and private foundations. A wide range of people also donate their time to help the Centre, including library volunteers, postgraduate students, interns and collaborating scientists.
Our vision
A world where decision makers in all sectors and at all levels recognize and take full account of the values of biodiversity as the bedrock of a global green economy and human well-being.
We are concerned with the multiple values of biodiversity, particularly where it is at risk, and the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services that deliver human benefits.
Our mission
To provide authoritative information about biodiversity and ecosystem services in a way that is useful to decision makers who are driving change in environment and development policy.
By working with expert partners worldwide, we draw together, analyse and interpret information on biodiversity, and strengthen the ability of others to do so.