University of Sussex

Sussex is a leading research university, as reflected in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Over 90 per cent of Sussex research activity was rated as world leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised, confirming the University among the leading 30 research universities in the UK, on a simple average across all scores. 18 subjects rank in the top 20 for research in the UK, across the arts, sciences and social sciences, with American studies ranked number 1 in the UK, Politics number 2, and Art history number 3.
Mission and values
Sussex claims a unique place among British universities. As the first of the new wave of UK universities in the second half of the 20th century, we were founded with a distinct idea of what it should be to be a new university. We continue to foster that founding spirit of intellectual, social and pedagogic adventure.
Sussex has already created a world-class centre of excellence for research and teaching, supporting Nobel Prize winners and future leaders of vital organisations and institutions, confident communicators, creative thinkers and internationalists, delivering positive change in the world.
While Sussex has a strong sense of itself as a campus rooted both in the outstanding natural beauty of the South Downs and the urban energy of Brighton, our outlook is global. Playing our role in global higher education, we are a progressive university delivering innovative thought and action, with a worldwide reputation for excellence in learning, research and discovery.
In pursuing our mission, we celebrate the values of:
- Excellence, through a commitment to delivering the highest standards of research, scholarship, teaching and learning in order to provide a dynamic and stimulating environment for students and staff and to maximise their social and economic contribution to societies;
- Interdisciplinarity, through tackling multidimensional problems, while maintaining a strong, broadly based set of disciplines across the arts and humanities, social sciences, sciences and medicine;
- Engagement, by actively seeking an external and international approach to all our activities;
- Challenge, in which all members of the Sussex community are prepared to explore creatively the status quo and alternatives, within the context of excellence and professionalism, and to seek to make positive change in society;
- Partnership, by developing sustained relationships that bring together complementary skills and resources to create mutual benefit and to deliver impact that cannot be achieved by either partner alone;
- Professionalism, by upholding freedom of academic enquiry, undertaking activities in a responsible manner using robust, transparent processes and maintaining professional standards in the conduct of all academic and support activities;
- Equality and diversity, by making appointments and developing entry routes to the University based on educational merit, and valuing the strength derived from contributions to our mission by people from different backgrounds, traditions, cultures and perspectives;
- Service, in which members of the Sussex community seek to use their skills and talents to contribute to local, national and international communities and organisations.