TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE REACHED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS IN 2022: 1. TRAINED THE TRAINERS REACHED 4000 TRAINERS PEOPLE x 50 TRAINERS WHICH IS EQUAL TO 2,00000 + reached another 80,000 through social media campaigns in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & others + 1500 Children’s and Youth in Schools & Colleges + 21,000 Aboriginal Hill Tribes from 12 groups or Castes + 80 Elected Representative from Panchayati Raj Institutions + 4400 individual citizen through rallies & campaigns + 170 Countries of World including 540 International & National Organisations nearly 5800 individuals.
Grand Total of 3,12,780 peoples reached in 2022.
Birendra Oraon, Director Odisha Chapter, Youth For Human Rights International, USA is igniting a human rights movement in India and especially in Odisha by creating a force of human rights advocates, activists, defenders, ambassadors, and champions.
Birendra Oraon is one such individual who has risen above dire conditions to become a voice for many. Born in a small village in the southeastern state of Odisha, also known for its tribal culture and traditions, Oraon is an Aboriginal Hill Tribe member and the President of Tribal People and Women Welfare Organization and Chairman of United Nations Federation of Organisations in India. His childhood home, which housed a family of 14 people, consisted of a small straw hut without electricity, water or sanitation facilities.
Having been raised to believe his circumstances were preordained and not subject to change or improvement, privation was a way of life for him, drove Oraon into a deep depression. Seeking answers, an internet search led him to the discovery of Youth for Human Rights. This was the first time he learned that he had any human rights at all.
As Oraon educated himself on his 30 inalienable human rights, he discovered that not a single person he spoke to had any knowledge of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). He quickly realized that raising awareness about the UDHR was the key to empower not only himself but also the many millions of Indians who were raised to believe they had no power at all, and made it his mission.
He calls it “Training the Trainers.” With a goal of reaching every household in India, the overall strategy is to create awareness of human rights by not only educating leaders in their basic human rights, but also equipping them with educational materials so that they are able to train others. The initial target has been to train at least 2,500 individuals in each of the 30 districts of Odisha—a total of 75,000 individuals. To reach this goal, Oraon has formed an international platform consisting of NGO’s, government officials, corporations and other stakeholders.
“Training the Trainers” workshops consist of making use of educational materials and media donated by Youth for Human Rights to promulgate the understanding of all 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to its attendees. The workshops graduates, now “trainers,” pledge themselves to then hold workshops of their own, with a goal of forming at least 50 new trainers themselves, creating what Oraon calls a “chain reaction.”
In addition to implementing and running the “Training the Trainers” workshops, he and his team have distributed over 10,000 booklets defining all 30 Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights, and reached another 80,000 through social media campaigns in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & others. He has held countless rallies and campaigns, for only in 2022, he had more then 86 rallies and campaigns with all stakeholders including school children, college youth, Panchayati Raj Elected Representative and run petition drives to promote human rights on a constitutional level as part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
Condition to reach the grassroots Rural pockets, the Aboriginal Hill Tribes, the poor and destitute, weaker sections like Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Classes, Socially and Economically Backward Classes, LGBTQI, Widow, Orphan and others Differently Able, Prisoners, Hospitalised Patients and others. For organising any single event his Odisha Chapter is also investing financial contributions of nearly Rs. 25,000/- Twenty-five thousands of rupees only for each event from his own pockets for the events, logistics, transportation, renting a conference hall, chairs on rents, tents, tea and snacks, stationary, Meat or Chicken Biryani as lunches to the concerned participates, executive body members, volunteers and others nearly 50 members in each event to make it a successful event of YHRI.
“We see the very purpose of educating, activating and uniting people to bring human rights awareness on a broad scale. It is a universal truth, and by turning the impossible to possible, we will very soon see the results reflect in each and every household across the globe,” shares Oraon.
Herewith the attachment of work details of 10 yrs of Human Rights services in Youth For Human Rights Odisha Chapter under United For Human Rights and Youth For Human Rights International called for Human Rights Champion short listed.
1: Contributed in Human Rights for Freedom Fighter Lakhmi Indra Panda Jansi Rani Regiment in the year 2005 to 2010 and achieve freedom fighters pension benefit for the same after final endorsement of Hon’ble Former Her Excellency President of India Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil.
2: Contributed in Human Rights by planning, decision making for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Panchayat Extension for Schedule Area, Right To Information, Rural and Urban Housing for all resulted in 1.5 billions of people in India in presence of Additional Secretary Govt of India in one training at NIRD Hyderabad for Weaker Section in PRI.
3: Planning and Preparation of grassroots need based assessment for Rights of Forest Dwellers and decision making at Govt line departments resulted 25 Millions Forest Dwellers Rights.
4: Contributed in Decision making of Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes, Minorities, LGBTQI and weaker sections of the Societies in India resulted in 80 Millions people get welfare schemes.
5: Contributed in Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts people’s and others to streamline them in mainstream of Govt policy. Encourage them their Human Rights and families’ rights at Missionary of Charities Kolkata.
6: Contributed in Child Protection Policy Juvenile Justice Act at Jharkhand CDC centre, Asha Deep Foundation, New Delhi Childline and Govt line departments for policy and decision making resulted in 115 millions Children’s.
7: Planting of Fruit bearing saplings and trees at Jharkhand and Odisha for Food Security and Biodiversity and Climate Change resulted in 50 lakhs families’ members food security.
8: Capacity Building for NGOs, CBO, Civil Societies and Govt line departments and Human Rights services in India at NIPCCD New Delhi.
9: Contributed in Human Rights Awareness for Universal Declaration of Human Rights by creating Human Rights awareness Generation by Rally, Poster, Pamphlet and Booklets Distribution of United For Human Rights and Youth For Human Rights International resulted in 1000 nos of people.
10 & 11: Organize and contributed by Petition signature drives to be implemented in govt apex institution and Private companies for implementing Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Youth For Human Rights Odisha Chapter under the guidance of United for Human Rights and Youth For Human Rights International Los Angeles CA USA.
12 & 13: Contributed in United For Human Rights and Youth For Human Rights International by Signature Campaign, Petition Drives and Rally and educating Youths to Organize, Educate and Unite and all for Human Rights through offline training in the state of Odisha, India.
Endanger World is facing multiple challenges to restored Peace, Justice, Love, Dignity, Humanity for a fair, inclusive, equal and prosperous societies.
Out of huge intolerable challenges in diverse field like civil, cultural, economic, political and social. Human Rights are violated in all nooks and corners of the societies.
Nor any humans, nor any species, nor any flora, nor any fauna, nor any crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, technology, pandemic and regions are spare.
The alarming sounds of human rights violation are tremendously increasing every seconds faster than the global warming.
The trust in institutions is vanishing among all weaker sections of the societies and huge gaps are emerging, which leads to injustice everywhere and destroying peace.
Let the upcoming every second be a countdown challenges for every one of us as a universality or individually action to restore peace, prosperity, good health and well-beings to see 75th anniversary of UDHR in a new human rights models, indexes, approaches, strategy, perspectives and holistic ways to reaffirms, stand and acute action of all rights for all human and human rights for all.