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Taking Adaptation to the Ground – A Community Adaptation Small Grants Facility piloting ‘Enhanced direct access’ in South Africa

This poster is one of the posters featured at the CBA9 conferance 2015. For more information about CBA9, visit:

Click to enlarge.

The 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from April 24-30 2015. The CBA series of conferences focus on the latest developments in community-based adaptation to climate change. The theme of this year’s event was “Measuring and enhancing effective adaptation”, and all the posters presented at the conference were summaries of projects related to the conference theme. This poster is one of the posters featured at the conferance. For more information about CBA9, visit: If you want to learn more about community based adaptation, please visit the GICBA platform on weADAPT.


‘Taking Adaptation to the Ground’ is a Community Adaptation Small Grants Facility (SGF), funded by the Adaptation Fund, designed specifically to pilot an ‘Enhanced Direct Access’ modality for climate finance. The project will empower communities to own, design & drive local level adaptation, ensuring the integration of science and local knowledge.

The project has three objectives: I. Provide small grants to vulnerable communities for projects that deliver tangible & sustainable adaptation benefits;

II. Empower local institutions to identify & implement adaptation actions;

III. Compile & share lessons for up-scaling & replicating enhanced direct access modalities.

Why is enhanced direct access innovative?

‘Enhanced direct access’ builds on the Adaptation Fund’s innovative direct access approach by increasing local influence over climate finance. This:

  • Ensures “ownership” of adaptation actions by local institutions;
  • Empowers rural communities to directly receive & use adaptation finance;
  • Provides for bottom-up planning & implementation of projects.

Aims of the Project

‘Taking adaptation to the ground’ aims to achieve adaptation actions through three investment windows:

  • Climate-smart Agriculture
  • Climate-resilient Livelihoods
  • Climate-proof Settlements


This poster was designed and produced by Amanda Bourne, Zukisani Jakavula, Helen Karathanassis, Cherie Forbes, Marie-Ange Baudoin, and Mandy Barnett.

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