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BMKG-JICA Vulnerability Assessment on Rice Paddy Production in Bali, Indonesia

Food Security and Climate Change Vulnerability in Indonesia/Bali


This project assessed the vulnerability of rice paddy production on Bali Island, Indonesia, and creates a climate change vulnerability map. The present assessment includes the three subcomponents that are required for any climate change vulnerability: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Assessments of exposure are based on climate data from BMKG, such as annual rainfall, temperature, and humidity. The data regarding paddy location are used as an element of sensitivity. Adaptive capacity assessment employs a normative approach to determine paddy production, such as mixed qualitative and quantitative techniques.

The devastating impact of climate change has already been evident in Indonesia. The country’s combination of high population density, high levels of biodiversity, more than 15,000 islands, and a coastline that stretches over staggering tens of thousands of kilometres make Indonesia one of the most vulnerable countries to the impact of climate change. Bali, a small island of Indonesia, is likely to suffer from rising sea levels, droughts, and floods, which will impact the island’s rice production. Rice is one of the most important agricultural crops in Indonesia, and it can be affected by climate change just as other agricultural products can be. This project demonstrates the approach and the results of a vulnerability assessment for climate change and rice paddy production. This approach uses qualitative and quantitative assessment methods and relevant maps of the assessment. It also helps researchers to make policy recommendations based on the assessment. The approach will be transferable to other regions of Indonesia as well as many developing countries.

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