Climate change and poverty
IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C highlights challenge to achieve climate stability and end poverty
This CDKN blog describes why we must heed the IPCC's 1.5°C Special Report and prevent further climate change that will harm the most vulnerable people.
Increasing people’s resilience through social protection
This paper highlights how social protection programmes and systems can contribute to building the capacity of vulnerable people who are exposed to climate shocks and disasters.
Report: Urbanisation, Poverty, Climate Change Vol 1 & 2
This synthesis report showcases the evidence from cities involved in developing the City Resilience Strategy and practical interventions adopted to create urban resilience.
Climate extremes and resilient poverty reduction
Three ODI case studies – on drought risk in Mali, heatwaves in India and typhoons in Philippines – illustrate the relationship between climate change, climate extremes, disasters and poverty impacts
The impacts of climate change on poverty in 2030 and the potential from rapid, inclusive, and climate-informed development
The impacts of climate change on poverty depend on the scale of climate change, but also on demographic and socioeconomic trends.
Capacity-building on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for District and National Environmental Officers of Bhutan
Read about when SEI conducted a customised 5-day interactive workshop on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Bangkok for staff of Bhutan’s National Environmental Commission.
Development and Climate Days 2014 at COP20
Summary of event Climate change threatens to reverse hard-earned gains to end extreme poverty. But sustainable development has the potential...
BMKG-JICA Vulnerability Assessment on Rice Paddy Production in Bali, Indonesia
Food Security and Climate Change Vulnerability in Indonesia/Bali Summary This project assessed the vulnerability of rice paddy production on Bali...
Overcoming the barriers: Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in developing countries
The report intends to promote discussion on opportunities for further action research and on strategies for increasing awareness and information related to climate adaptation in development sectors
Adapting the community sector for climate extremes
Abstract People experiencing poverty and inequality will be affected first and worst by the impacts of climate change to infrastructure...