agriculture and livestock
Pastoralism, farming and a changing climate in the Sahel region
This case study sheds light on the adverse impacts of climate change for pastoral livelihoods in the Sahel region, and the need for regional coordination to build resilience in the region.
Climate-Smart Land Use Insight Brief No. 4- Silvopastoral systems for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Explore silvopastoral systems (SPS), a versatile farming technique that provides farmers with a valuable mitigation and adaptation strategy in Southeast Asia.
Wetland management and conservation in the Pozuelos Biosphere Reserve, Argentina Project description by Wetands International (in Spanish) This program works with the communities and other local actors in the...
Climate Risk and Vulnerability: A Handbook for Southern Africa (2nd Edition)
An updated version of the popular handbook outlining projected climate change, sectoral impacts and responses (adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and accessing climate finance) in southern Africa
CGIAR Working paper: Climate Change Impacts on Livestock
A new working paper by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) summarizes what we know around climate impacts on livestock systems in Africa.
Smallholder Innovation for Resilience (SIFOR) – Biocultural innovations to confront climate change
SIFOR is working to stem the loss of traditional knowledge and agricultural techniques by strengthening communities’ capacity to innovate through participatory action-research.