aquatic ecosystem
Apoyando transiciones justas hacia un sector de agua sostenible en Bolivia
El estudio destaca la urgencia de transformaciones sociales y económicas para abordar el cambio climático y mejorar la gestión del agua en Bolivia.
Forest Ontario: Ecosystem Restoration Guide
This guide explores terrestrial, aquatic, soil, and wildlife restoration and discusses restoration efforts, action plans and case studies, as well as the organizations that have brought these restoration efforts to life in Ontario, Canada.
A rights-based perspective on adaptive capacity for aquatic agricultural systems in Timor-Leste
This paper considers how a rights-based approach broadens understanding of adaptive capacity while directing attention towards causes of exclusion and marginalisation.
Jinsha River Basin: Integrated Water Resources and Risk Management under Changing Climate
This Sino-Swiss project aims to improve integrated water resources management, build capacity for climate change adaptation, and thereby enhance socio-economic development in the Jinsha River Basin.