Climate & Development Knowledge Network
CDKN: Finance for Resilience Podcast
Listen to 'Finance for Resilience', a podcast series created by the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) whichexplores how financial solutions for climate change are developed, and highlights innovative solutions from practitioners and experts.
INSIDE STORY: Renewable energy solutions for Punjab’s industrial sector – Evaluating the NAMA approach in Sialkot City, Pakistan
This project assessed a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) as a policy tool to provide renewable energy to the industrial sector in Sialkot, Pakistan.
Business case for the Bangladeshi private sector to invest in climate change and access international climate finance
This paper outlines the business case for private sector action on climate change in Bangladesh and the opportunities this presents, including accessing new sources of finance.
Secure safe water in Uganda’s changing climate
This CDKN film explores how precious freshwater resources could be better managed, to help increase Ugandan communities’ resilience to variations in the climate.
Future Proofing Indian Cities, Final Urban Diagnostics for Bangalore
Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) (2014). Future Proofing Indian Cities, Final Urban Diagnostics for Bangalore.
Using climate information to achieve long-term development objectives in coastal Ghana and Mozambique
This policy brief describes a ‘co-exploration’ approach to identifying climate change adaptation needs in Accra, Ghana, and Maputo, Mozambique.