Collaborative governance
Empowering small rural municipalities through multilevel governance for adaptation in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims to...
Valencian collaboration space (Spain): towards multi-level governance in support of the EU Missions
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims...
Regional Climate Data Conference: Experts Unite to Ensure Data Accessibility through Collaborative Efforts
A summary of the Regional Climate Data Conference, in Bangladesh. The conference was to initiate a discussion on opportunities and barriers of accessing climate data and climate risk information, and ways of ensuring climate data availability and accessibility and to explore collaborations in the countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region.
TALX: Climate Adaptation Partnership Network
Learn more about the Transboundary Adaptation Learning Exchange (TALX) project and The Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework which supports place-based adaptation across the Ireland and the UK. It provides practical actions to set up and further develop climate adaptation partnerships and includes inspiring case studies and links to a wide variety of tools and resources.
Local organization and territorial governance in forest management: Reflections from the Andean Forests Program
Good governance was a key element in generating a social and political context favourable to the sustainable management of Andean forest landscapes. This article explains how the Andean Forests Program supported this.
Gobernanza participativa y gestión del riesgo ante incendios forestales en el Perú
Este blog presenta aprendizajes en la gestión de riesgo de los incendios forestales en la región de Apurímac, Perú.
Introducing the Transnational Climate Impacts Index: Indicators of country-level exposure – methodology report
This paper introduces a new framework for examining climate change impacts and adaptation needs from an international perspective.