Multi-stakeholder approach
Developing guidance on managing transboundary climate risks in adaptation and sectoral planning
Explore how we can move from prototype to fully operational (and widely deployed) guidance on mainstreaming TCARs within policy and practice in this concept note. It sets out several key considerations for developing credible and salient guidance on TCAR risk management in support of NAPs, regional adaptation planning and other climate policy planning processes.
Empowering small rural municipalities through multilevel governance for adaptation in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims to...
Valencian collaboration space (Spain): towards multi-level governance in support of the EU Missions
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims...
Climate risk integration: A new era for aid and development programming
Learn about why system transformation of the development sector is needed to ensure development progress continues against the backdrop of increasing climate change impacts in this short blog.
Nature-based Solutions in Action: Lessons from the Frontline
Explore real-life evidence of how high quality NbS can deliver positive outcomes for climate, nature and people through 13 case studies in this IIED report.
Video: Learn About The Importance of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Adaptation Solutions
Learn about multi-stakeholder collaboration for adaptation solutions with this short easy-to-understand animated video.
Leadership for Responsive Climate Actions in Agriculture, Forestry and Food systems: Insights from the ASEAN Climate Leadership Programme
Learn about the role of leadership in promoting transformational change towards a low-carbon, resilient, and food secure economy and society, both globally and regionally.
Working Paper: Addressing Climate and Disaster Risk through Inclusive and Participatory Mechanisms
Climate and disaster risk finance and transfer mechanisms are key components of any comprehensive risk management framework to address these issues and the needs of the most vulnerable communities.
Alliances for Ecosystem-based Climate Adaptation in Guatemala
This article describes how an ecosystem-based adaptation platform in Guatemala is creating enabling governance conditions for effective climate adaptation, and supporting alliances to help upscale ecosystem-based adaptation.
Co-producing climate knowledge – Great in theory, but how about practice?
'Co-production’ of climate knowledge is far from easy to achieve in practice. This article looks at what we mean by 'co-production', the challenges involved, and how we can move forward.